Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Environment Month is a global celebration dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving our mother nature. It focuses with critical issues of environmental sustainability, climate change, global warming and biodiversity conservation. Within this month, everyone are getting together to promote eco-friendly practices to reduce pollution, the effect of climate change, and other issues. Environment montn is not just a celebration; it's a call to action for everyone to participate such activities that can help our environment be better again. In this month, we are encouraged to do practices that can reduce environmental problems or issues. Every small actions counts, we need to take responsibility and do everything that we know are right to do. 

Here are some of my contributions as a student in preserving, protecting, and maintaining environmental cleanliness. 

Using non electronic powered vehicles can greatly contribute in lessening the impact of climate change and global warming in our world.
By doing this practice, we can conserve energy and lessen the use of fossil fuels that are destructing our mother nature. 

Recycling is also one of my way in contributing to a more healthier environment by reducing waste and conserving resources. With this, I can help minimize the effect of pollution and make a healthier and a greener future for the next generation that may come.

You can also conserve energy by turning off your electronic devices when not in use and by also minimizing water usage. Doing these, you can help our environment to be cleaner and free from pollution. 

Regularly cleaning your surroundings can greatly help our environment. By doing this, you can prevent extreme floodings that is caused by garbages that are being trapped. 


  1. The context of your blog is good! Mind changing the"THEMATIC OUTPUT QUARTER 1" change it to something more interesting.


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