Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Environment Month is a global celebration dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting and preserving our mother nature. It focuses with critical issues of environmental sustainability, climate change, global warming and biodiversity conservation. Within this month, everyone are getting together to promote eco-friendly practices to reduce pollution, the effect of climate change, and other issues. Environment montn is not just a celebration; it's a call to action for everyone to participate such activities that can help our environment be better again. In this month, we are encouraged to do practices that can reduce environmental problems or issues. Every small actions counts, we need to take responsibility and do everything that we know are right to do. 

Here are some of my contributions as a student in preserving, protecting, and maintaining environmental cleanliness. 

Using non electronic powered vehicles can greatly contribute in lessening the impact of climate change and global warming in our world.
By doing this practice, we can conserve energy and lessen the use of fossil fuels that are destructing our mother nature. 

Recycling is also one of my way in contributing to a more healthier environment by reducing waste and conserving resources. With this, I can help minimize the effect of pollution and make a healthier and a greener future for the next generation that may come.

You can also conserve energy by turning off your electronic devices when not in use and by also minimizing water usage. Doing these, you can help our environment to be cleaner and free from pollution. 

Regularly cleaning your surroundings can greatly help our environment. By doing this, you can prevent extreme floodings that is caused by garbages that are being trapped. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Nation's Heroes

 Teachers play a significant role in the development of many individuals in our society. They are more than educators—they are role models, mentors, and even an inspiration on one's child study journey.Through their dedication, eagerness and commitment, they shape the future by guiding their students on how to navigate life and teaching them life lessons that they can apply to contribute to our society. 

One of the most significant contributions of teachers is their ability to encourage or even inspire a student to study and make their decisions in life much better. They also have the ability to help students in discovering their full potential and equipping them for a more positive environment.With their words of encouragement and motivation, they help their students to aim for the best and also boosts their confidence.They also teach their students life lessons and give them advices on how to properly navigate their lives. 

Moreover, teachers play a crucial role in building character. Education is not just about academics,it also involves moral values and social responsibility. Teachers encourage qualities such as kindness, perseverance, and respect, which guides their surroundings students to become a better citizen.Many teachers spend countless hours preparing lessons, giving extra time for struggling students and even giving their selves some time to master a particular lesson for an effective teaching. They work not for personal recognitions or even fame, they work for progress and success of the current generation. 

In conclusion, teachers’ contributions are beyond everything. They shape individuals, build character, and more importantly, shaping the nation's future. It is really crucial for us that we honor and recognize their tireless efforts, as their impact in our community is limitless.Let us continue to appreciate and support our teachers, recognizing that their work is truly the foundation for a better future. 




 In the first quarter, I have gained some valuable insights into the importance of consistency and time management in my academic life. I've learned to manage my time more effectively. I also enhanced my skills when it comes to collaborative works, and understanding how important self discipline and time management. These experiences helped me to grow not only academically but also personally. 

One of the challenges I've experienced was dealing with the pressure of multiple deadlines, which often felt so overwhelming. There were times when I'm trying to make my work as the best and felt stressed meeting expectations. Another challenge that I've encountered is the transition in between teaching styles and environment that makes me have some confusions with some particular topics. 

To address these challenges, I did some organized approach by creating schedules, and to-do list for my tasks and breaking them down into smaller pieces. I also asked help from my teachers and classmates when I'm struggling into a certain concept. I also manage my stress and remove distractions to help me stay focused academically. 

Moving forward, I will continue to improved my managing skills and self-discipline. I will also aim for a balanced lifestyle by engaging with social activities and not jailing myself with loaded schooworks that would probably make me stressed. 

Pinoy Ako:A symbolism of resiliency of the Filipino people

Pinoy ako:A symbolism of resiliency of the Filipino people

Through the years, Filipinos have been making history for being the most resilient

people in the world. Through their toughes times, they tend to give the opposite vibe of

negativities. No matter what challenges they faced, Filipinos never gets no hope and

always have the courage to start a new beginning.


This resiliency reflects the phrase “Pinoy ako”.Indeed Filipinos are the definition of “
Resiliency “, that also symbolizes their identity. Despite of so many struggles they
experienced, they always never forget to smile and remain hopeful. Their resiliency is
not just seen when there’s a calamity, it is also seen in their everyday lives. From the
hardworking farmers to the Oversea Filipino Workers that are so dedicated to work hard
for their families and future. In every trends, stories and even songs, Filipinos are
always in. They always prove how versatile and how powerful their Filipino spirits are.
The bayanihan spirit of Filipinos also showcases their unity and strength.

Resilience is part of the Filipino way of living, passed down through generations. The
importance of staying strong in difficult times is taught early on. Whether dealing with
calamities, economic difficulties, or personal problems, Filipinos are encouraged to stay
positive and keep pushing forward. This resilience serves as a symbol of hope and
inspiration, showing that despite the toughest of the toughest times, the Filipino spirit
remains unbreakable. “Pinoy Ako” serves as a reminder that the heart of the Filipino
people is strong and compassionate.


A Letter for the President

August 29, 2024

Ilocos Sur National Highschoo

Vigan City

Mr. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.


Republic of the Philippines

MalacaƱang Palace, Manila

Dear sir,

Greetings Mr. President. I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards

you sir. Your leadership during these challenging times has been instrumental in guiding

our nation toward progress and stability. Your hardwork and dedication to our country

and to my fellow Filipinos really means a lot to me.

I hope that you will continue to make our country a better place where negativities are

nowhere to find. Thank you once again for your hard work and for always prioritizing the

needs of our country. I wish you continued strength and wisdom in leading our nation.






Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Journey Of Me

The Journey of Me

In the 10th month of the year 2009,a new soul was born, and that’s me Angelo. As I’m getting older, I’m starting to realize the real world that I’m leaving on. A lot of thoughts were opened that is freely roaming in my head. I can say that I’m a person full of curiosity and having a lot of weird things running in head. I do really believe that every person has its own uniqueness and mission to accomplish in life

As I am getting into my teenage years a lot of things changed, the way I approach, act, think and live. Life is not always as fun as you think, there are always, and always burdens that will come and try to put us in our lowest. In my 14 years of existence, I can describe myself as a dumbbell, because as we grow up we commit mistakes and with those mistakes, we learn. Improvement is really so hard to achieve, we must experience a lot of things first to improve. Sometimes, I get to be so mad to myself because I’m thinking that I’ve done nothing, but in reality, it’s just me that can’t see the true me.

We live because we want to, we work hard because we needed to. In our everyday lives, doing mistakes are fine, but not learning with those mistakes are totally not fine. It is really needed for us to understand that we’re humans and it is normal for us to have mistakes. Because those mistakes will lead us to a more improved and better us.

3rd Quarter Thematic

 In this photo, our team is actively collecting data in Barangay Mindoro. Armed with notebooks, surveys, and digital tools, we engage with l...