Monday, October 7, 2024


 In the first quarter, I have gained some valuable insights into the importance of consistency and time management in my academic life. I've learned to manage my time more effectively. I also enhanced my skills when it comes to collaborative works, and understanding how important self discipline and time management. These experiences helped me to grow not only academically but also personally. 

One of the challenges I've experienced was dealing with the pressure of multiple deadlines, which often felt so overwhelming. There were times when I'm trying to make my work as the best and felt stressed meeting expectations. Another challenge that I've encountered is the transition in between teaching styles and environment that makes me have some confusions with some particular topics. 

To address these challenges, I did some organized approach by creating schedules, and to-do list for my tasks and breaking them down into smaller pieces. I also asked help from my teachers and classmates when I'm struggling into a certain concept. I also manage my stress and remove distractions to help me stay focused academically. 

Moving forward, I will continue to improved my managing skills and self-discipline. I will also aim for a balanced lifestyle by engaging with social activities and not jailing myself with loaded schooworks that would probably make me stressed. 

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